Free Horse 101 e-Book!
By April Love
Everything You Wish You Had Known Before You Got Your First Horse
(…and many AHA moments for experienced horse owners.)

Attention Horse Owners: Unlock the Secrets to a Healthy and Happy Horse While Saving on Vet Bills!
Everything You Wish You Had Known Before You Got Your First Horse
(…and many AHA moments for experienced horse owners.)
If your horse could talk, they might say things like:
Because horses, just like people, have their own unique needs and feelings. But many horse owners, and even seasoned equine professionals, often miss what it is their horse is really trying to say.
Since horses are not able to speak to us in words, their communication manifests in things like training and behavioral problems, poor performance, and other seemingly unsolvable health issues like mysterious lameness, recurring uveitis, frequent colic, and more.
Learn how to asses your horse, identify problem areas, and get the knowledge you need to help them yourself
— it’s not as hard as you think!
Why this E-book?
If you checked ANY of the boxes above then this E-Book is for you
(while saving money on vet care!)
With the right knowledge, tools, and techniques, you can improve your horse’s well-being and enjoy many more years of riding together.
All it takes is a new perspective of horse care, which you may have never considered before.
You’ve probably already realized that owning a horse is costly. If you’re dealing with mounting vet bills and longing for answers to question that no one can seem to solve, then you truly understand the importance of what I’m about to share. (If you haven’t had that happen yet, consider yourself lucky for finding this first!)
If the saying is true, “An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure,” then the wisdom you’ll find in this book is genuinely priceless.
I’ll talk about horse breeds, feed, behavior, saddles, digestion, vision, training, bodywork, and so much more.
I’ll show you that you have what it takes to keep your horse happy, healthy, and rideable through their 30’s. By the time you’re done reading this book, you’ll be equipped with the tools, techniques, and a totally new view that will change your relationship with horses forever.
You’ll wish you had found this book sooner!
“I recently ‘rehomed’ 2 sweet older TB mares one to a “returning after adult” and the other, 11yo 4H first horse with 4H trainer and instructor. They got them piles of information and insight and all the history I had.
Your book was brought to my attention by the woman who did the bodywork on the mares. I found it charming, informative and empathetic and so I passed the link along to the mares’ new bffs. Glad to point them at another source of knowledge for their growing partnership.
I do not take horses in for training anymore, and I am always flummoxed when someone wants a recommendation for a trainer. Because as you clearly know, the really good ones are few and far between. But next time someone asks, I am going to tell them to start with your book.
Thanks for saying things that needed to be said and doing it with such delightful panache.”
“Here’s my aha moment, just happened this morning—
I started with the yoga on Sunday, wasn’t sure at all how my horse was reacting to it. Wasn’t able to get to the barn in Monday, so headed out the pasture early this morning. After I greeted him and put the halter on, we started walking in like always, when he stopped suddenly.
I turned to look at him as he crossed his front legs, then stretched his head down while leaning back into his haunches – perfect horse version of downward dog! He was very clearly saying, I remember what we did on Sunday, let’s do it again, we did!”
“I loved your book! It was a great laugh and so, so true! The yoga has been one of the best things I have done for my horse! He is so much more freer in movement of the shoulders and his stride has extended greatly! His Topline is much better and he seems taller to me too! His hindquarters from the butt tucks are more defined as well! He just seems happier in his own body and I’ve only just started doing the yoga 5 days ago! I can’t wait to learn more from the level 1 study!“
Not just this E-book, We’re giving you access to helpful equine care training videos and resources for FREE.
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